La Gaulette State Secondary School

 The project is about sharing with students ‘basic life skills’ that they will need during the transition phase from childhood to adolescence. The lesson will also prepare the students for adulthood and their future integration as responsible citizens in a changing world. The project will be primarily school based and after fine tuning will be extended to a national and worldwide level. Websites and blogs will be created for this purpose and links will be shared on social networks where students spend most of their time.

Teachers will present Topics such as:

        •  Nutrition
        • Sexuality
        •  Early pregnancy
        • Road Safety
        • Self Defense
        •  Values
        •  Leadership

Will be uploaded on the website for students to view and share with their peers and blogs will be used for digital discussions. Parents, teachers, social workers and people from the community will be targeted as resource persons to intervene in the project through:

    •  Conducting presentations related to the topic.
    • Organizing social gathering, outside the school time frame, through activities e.g. a Treasure Hunt.  
    •  Collaboration between colleges in the neighborhood on such projects as “Marchés aux puce”, a social activity where unused clothes are collected and sold.


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